Look!! Someone actually designed this Anatomy Man, “this must work the horizontal fanned fibers of the pectoralis region”! Not! Do you understand we invented this exercise… someone lowered the pulleys……
Look!! Someone actually designed this Anatomy Man, “this must work the horizontal fanned fibers of the pectoralis region”! Not! Do you understand we invented this exercise… someone lowered the pulleys……
Dave Parise’s Fix My Fitness Club WORST Rethink exercises of 2016 “Exercises that wreak havoc on your entire system, and are shown by uneducated Personal Trainers. The Seated Leg Extension…
What leads to pain in any of my joints? Posture has a major influence on Pain. Pain can alter muscle function, creating reflex inhibition and changing our movement patterns….
The Importance of following a plan- (Let’s make this simple) By Dave Parise CPT FPTA MES While muscle strengthening exercises are crucial for overall health, they really are only responsible…
What goes with pizza? SIT-UPS?It was mentioned in one of my posts… ..that planks, side planks (done correctly) suitcase walks, cross body cable chops kneeling, or just adding a challenge…
The leg extension is an isolation exercise.An isolation exercise is one where the movement is restricted to one joint and one muscle group. For example, the leg extension is an…
Fixmyfitnessclub.com Shopping List PROTEINS VEGETABLES FRUIT COMPLEX CARBS HEALTHY FATS CONDIMENTS Chicken (boneless/skinless) Greens (lettuce, kale, arugula, etc.) Apples Oatmeal All-natural nut butters Mustard – yellow, brown, or Dijon Lean…
Side Note: The 50-Burpees on my chart are my version seen @ Fixmyfitnessclub.com They are NOT the regular “Face plant, sway back, jump up, land on toes version you see…
Friends, fitness enthusiasts, coaches, Trainers, AS PROMISED!! Fixmyfitnessclub.com made a post saying I quote “The 300 workout videos, along with cooking classes on the site will drop from $19.00 per…
The most common reason for people to start an exercise program is weight loss. Whether it is to help to reduce the symptoms of various chronic diseases, or to…
How Eating Certain Foods can Burn More Calories than the Actual Meal You’re Eating! When it comes to losing fat and building muscle, eating less food is not the…
The world Famous Formula We hear it all the time. It’s the simple formula that televisions, radio, magazines, and fitness celebrities tell us day in a day out: Burn more…