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Man Boobs!

By January 19, 2016February 11th, 2024No Comments

I was teased and belittled during Grammar, and parts of High school about my Man Boobs. I didn’t realize at the time it was to my benefit! I started strength training at age 15. My chest started developing the way it should look anatomically. at age 17. Today everyone asks “Hey what do you do for your chest? I simply say “I eat a ton of asparagus”! Cross eyed and a head tilted like a dog they look at me like I have two heads. My point is the foods I choose to eat in the presence of hunger have direct carry-over to the way I look, and feel. I train my chest two times per week. I don’t spot reduce it by training it. I do change the texture underneath the fat by giving it UN-accustom stimulus. I simply mean, I want to make sure I am performing the sets and reps correctly. Spot reducing is like chewing gum real fast! No its like talking a mile a minute! My face is still the same! I can say this I have FAT fingers because I type like a 2- year old…poke-poke P O K E. Go to the gold section to see the How to do it right! I show all the exercises week to week @ Gold!

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