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I was told it works! I feel it!

By November 23, 2015December 2nd, 2023No Comments


you decide



When people talk about resistance exercising they say, “Oh, look at that guy… look at that girl, look at how they look. That’s the evidence.” Just because someone looks fit and healthy does not make what they are doing evidence. Again, that is NOT the evidence. It is very short-sighted. The way someone looks has nothing to do with the safety or effectiveness of an exercise. It has to do with their overall environment (i.e. choices). With that being said, a person’s physique is not the best indicator of whether an exercise is effective, ineffective, or even potentially unsafe.

One of the reasons you are reading this is to take a look at things from a different perspective. I understand you may have a tough time digesting what I am about to say. I know I did for a long time. Think about it, where do we all learn how to work out? Most people learn in the gym – even if someone says, “no, no, no, I learned in school,” Let me ask you this, where did your teacher learn how to work out? The gym? That is where we all learn, in the gym. We all learn the same things in the same place. All the supported material is the same, monthly workout magazines, people’s opinions, and the rent a buddy trainers. It is very difficult, when I post or write about an exercise. I know someone’s feelings will get hurt. “Why”?, one may ask me, because that is the only thing that keeps some of these exercises alive, an emotional attachment. It is crazy to think, but people are married to some of these exercises. I know if I talk about the exercises you really love, I will be presenting facts, and I do not care if I hurt your feelings. Why? We all came from the same place, we all learned from the gym. It is not my fault that we were not taught the facts. That is my mission, to teach the facts and put the exercise in perspective. Yes, I may talk about an exercise you love and are emotionally attached to, so try not to lose your mind. Try to put it in perspective and not get angry with me. I really want to emphasize an open mind when I post, or write a book. Leave the emotional attachment to what you know at the front cover.

I am sure you have seen, heard or experienced it yourself in the gym “Yeah, I hurt, but you know, it’s a good kind of hurt.” That is exactly how many people determine whether an exercise is good or bad, effective, ineffective, etc. They based it on how they felt. You and I learned the “no pain, no gain” theory was prevalent in the fitness world. Yet, the “no pain, no gain” theory is very misleading. I will repeat that the “no pain, no gain” theory is very misleading. A person thinks that because they feel an exercise in a certain place, it must be the place that is working. I am sure you know what I am talking about. I know you have heard this, read this in many articles, or maybe said this yourself, many times. That could not be more misleading.

Thinking an exercise is working based on how it feels, is what I call a sensation. A sensation is a learned thing. Sometimes what is in your head can either enhance a feeling you think you have, or it can get in the way of a feeling you maybe should be having. A sensation is not always the purest form, nor is it the most accurate form of indicating what is really happening in the body. So keep an open mind and respect the body and the way it functions…regardless of what the trainer says!

I am here to listen and educate you…

Dave Parise CPT FPTA MES