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Eat Great in 8

Pre-workout meals breakfast

By February 16, 2016February 11th, 2024No Comments

A #Fixmyfitnessclub Pre-workout meal. You need sustainability. You need to regulate blood sugar levels. You will have a better workout when all these responsibilities are intact. Never, skip breakfast the most important meal of the day, and make it with substance! A protein drink alone with water is not a great choice. You need enough time to digest a bit, I understand, however, get up 10 minutes earlier. You can add a bit of hemp milk, and 1/2 cup of raw oats to the blender. Just think “substance” in the AM. I promise this will work for you. Be creative, and if I may ask again? Please what would you like to see in these cooking videos? I await your suggestions. Always contact me right here @

Dave Parise CPT FPTA MES