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How nutrients effect your body.

By February 10, 2016December 2nd, 2023No Comments

We are bombarded with so many different nutrition messages from diet publishers, supplement manufacturers, and television that it makes it difficult to sort out the facts from fiction. Everyone has a gimmick. Most diet books promote a specific food or food groups that will magically make you lose weight. The truth of the matter is we all need to eat a well balanced diet. A well balanced diet will help provide you with the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and calories. You will receive a personalized supplement recommendation based. on your specific needs and dietary approach. Supplements help guarantee that you get the proper levels of vitamins and minerals. Our current farming technologies have left our food sources nutrient poor so we must rely on alternative sources.

Choosing a multi vitamin that is healthy can be an overwhelming process. Here are some helpful tips on choosing a supplement:

  1. Look for the seal of approval from the American pharmaceutical company. You do not want to purchase any supplement that does not display the GMP certification on the label from the APA. Right now no government agency, not even the FDA, regulates the supplement industry. Supplement manufacturers can put what ever they want in their supplements as long as it is not an illegal drug.

  1. As your #Fitnessfixer and counselor I will make recommendations for supplements that are appropriate for your eating plan. Your multi-vitamin must contain mineral chelates for absorption. If the minerals are not chelated – do not take this product, as minerals are not water-soluble.

  1. Any herbal preparations you are taking must be standardized.

Fitness Club Key Fundamentals

There are some key fundamentals to basic nutrition that most of us may not know and understanding them will make our food choices and weight management efforts a whole lot easier. You may find that you know some of these concepts, however you are likely to find some surprising (and useful) new facts.

All the foods we eat are made up of various combinations of the six basic nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals, and Water. Most foods have some of all the nutrients, just in different percentages. Let’s briefly review all six.


Carbohydrates (carbs) are a primary source of energy for the cells in your body. The carbohydrate family includes both complex carbohydrates (starch) and simple sugars (fructose and glucose). The body converts all the carbs we eat into glucose, which the cells then use to make energy. The body doesn’t store very much glucose so it’s important to eat an adequate amount of carbs everyday to replace what’s used up making energy – the more active you are, the more carbs you will need.

It is important to remember two facts regarding carbs and glucose production:

  • Your body can only use a certain amount of glucose at a time. If your blood sugar level is too high, the body will start a process releasing insulin as a regulator whereby some of the excess glucose will be changed into fat and stored within a fat cell.

  • A rapid rise in blood sugar will cause too much insulin to be released, resulting in a temporarily low blood sugar level. The brain, sensing this, will begin a craving for more sugar.

Complex carbs are kind of a time-release pill. When you eat a complex carb, the glucose (sugar) doesn’t enter the blood stream all at once. Instead, they are digested and used over a longer period of time therefore stabilizing the body’s blood sugar level.

Remember this fact:

Carbohydrates are the fuel to which fat is burned – without carbohydrates you will not burn fat.


Fats, like carbs, come in two varieties, saturated and unsaturated. And also like carbs, the primary purpose of fat is energy production.

Animal foods in general, provide fats which are mostly saturated. Surprisingly, so do tropical oils like coconut and palm. Fish and vegetable oils provide mostly unsaturated fats. Research tells us that we should minimize the amount of saturated fats we consume. That is why skim or 1% milk, low fat cheeses and yogurt are healthier choices than whole milk products. Likewise, cooking with oils – olive, sesame, safflower, canola – are healthier than butter or shortening made from animal fat.

It is important to remember that most of the fat you consume should be unsaturated, but both types of fat have exactly the same amount of calories and both are important for proper nutrition.


Protein provides the body with amino acids, which are essential for all of our body’s functions. Proteins provide structure for cells and tissues and are necessary for muscle repair and growth. They are also used to transport vital elements in the bloodstream and to make up many hormones – like insulin. Proteins in our diet help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and actually stimulate the release of glucagon, which is the opposite of insulin. All of the negative metabolic changes that occur with elevated blood levels of insulin are actually reversed by glucagon. We then need to consume Protein for proper nutrition, we simply need to choose good protein sources. Vegetable and lean meat are the best sources followed by general animal/dairy products. You need to know however, that most meat and dairy products contain complete proteins while most fruit and vegetables are incomplete protein foods.

The most important point to remember is that it is critical to maintain a sufficient amount of complete proteins representing the essential amino acids the body requires for a balanced metabolism and to aid in the development / repair of all body tissues. Therefore you need to incorporate some protein

Protein aids the density of skeletal muscle tissue. As you loose body fat, your goal is a harder body. This will only happen with proper amounts of protein in your diet. Don’t be skinny fat!

Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of our bodies numerous systems. They are necessary for cellular growth, cellular metabolism, cellular reproduction and digestion. With a few exceptions, the body can’t make vitamins; therefore they must be supplied by foods or food supplements. During periods of calorie reduction to achieve a loss of body fat,

Vitamin supplementation is essential to prevent vitamin deficiencies.

Minerals act as catalysts for many biological reactions in the body such as muscular contraction, digestion, hormone development and cellular metabolism of nutrients from foods. Minerals help maintain the bodies water balance and immune system. Minerals are divided into two groups: macro-minerals and trace minerals. Macro-minerals are measured in milligrams. Trace minerals are measured in micrograms. Minerals work in combination with vitamins. A deficiency of just one vitamin or mineral will minimize the functions of them all.


Water is a nutrient? Yes! and an incredibly important one. Twenty-four hours a day – walking, sleeping, and exercising – your body is loosing water in its attempt to regulate your internal temperature. Therefore you need to drink a lot of water even if you just sit around all day. You need to really increase your water intake when you start becoming more active. On average, an individual should drink approximately 96 ounces of water per day and consumed throughout the day as it allows more of the water to go from the bloodstream into the cells, where it is needed – and not so much into your bladder, where it is not. Consuming an adequate amount of water will benefit the body in the following ways:

  • Endocrine gland function improves

  • Fluid retention is alleviated

  • Liver functions improve, increasing the percentage of fat used for energy purposes

  • Natural thirst returns

  • Metabolic functions improve

In conclusion, it is important to remember that adequate water consumption is essential for the conversion of fat to energy. Additionally, the alleviation of water retention is possible through an increase in water intake. An adequate supply of water also helps rid the body of metabolic toxins and waste, therefore improving energy levels, increasing metabolic efficiency and maintaining normal bowel function.

Hey Fix my fitness club members Did you know that a body looses a quart of water daily just breathing? Yes!!! That is why you can see your breath in cold weather. So drink up! The more you drink the thinner you’ll be.

There you have it, Basic Nutrition… That wasn’t so bad, was it? Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals and Water. But what about calories? How does stabilizing blood sugar help in maintaining a proper diet?

We will just have to wait to find out! I am writing that now!! My fingers are poking away!

Dave Parise #Fitnessfixer #daveparise