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What goes with pizza? SIT-UPS?
It was mentioned in one of my posts… ..that planks, side planks (done correctly) suitcase walks, cross body cable chops kneeling, or just adding a challenge (load, or tension) to a stabilizing posture is directly related to engaging the core / ab region. We can’t leave out spinal flexion, or sit-ups… (NO FEET CONNECTED TO ANYTHING) because they are directly related to the long flat superficial muscle like the rectus, or the (hands in pocket) muscle external, internal oblique’s. We actually need to flex or rotate the spine to activate these muscles.

First of all I ask you this… if you were to hold a dumbbell and elbow flex to 90% (perfect bend right angle) and hold that tension for 60-90 seconds… would your bicep be stimulated as a volume knob at 9-10? YES! Would you be strong at each and every level? NO! But it will have enough stimuli to build. Strength may be defined as the maximum force or tension generated by a muscle. Hypertrophy is a local adaptation to the demand placed on muscle, and is the result of overload training… can it hold a position or posture.

So we can say that hypertrophy is a local adaptation to the demand placed on muscle, and is the result of overload. Holding a plank (without your butt in the air!) will activate the “abs” to hold the position.

The global and local stability muscles of the lumbar spine, for example oblique’s, abdominals, and spinalis, generate force as they are challenged. This means you are working EVERYTHING not just core.

What creates the six pack look? The thickness of the fasicia tissue… called tendonis in-scriptures) if you wrap straps around your ab area the skin bulges through “presto quick abs” blocks are not created by crunches…

The visceral fulcrum theory is a counter force generated by the visceral when the TVA (your internal girdle called the transverse abdominis) contracts and provides a functional cylinder around the spine. This creates an internal weight belt that acts like a hoop and sends a column of support from the pelvic basin to the diaphragm. (Cant train the visceral it’s a neurological function… sorry!

Ok a sit up,hanging ab straps, (why do they call them abs straps if they don’t work the abs?) the ab wheel, the kings or queens chairs where you lift you legs as you hold all your body weight on your arms???? WT? and of course leg lifts… oh don’t forget to put your hands under your back… really? all work the hip flexors, psoas, illiachis, rectus femoris, all the muscles you don’t want to work. (its called trunk flexion) Crunches only have a compression effect… like an accordion… why? It will increase spinal dysfunction, and set the stage for a host of muscular and spinal imbalances.

What to do? Watch the videos where I perform a dead bug, a static hold and contract off the edge of a bench…this is 100% engagement of the “six pack abs”


I’m just saying!

Dave Parise CPT MES FPTA