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Hard-Core Facts get used to it!

By November 24, 2015December 2nd, 2023No Comments

Presented By: Me personally …see other sites have ghost writers…not I !

A moment of insight; it’s worth a lifetime of experience!










Actually, it’s hard to get fat by eating too much. Think about it. We’ve all seen people who eat and eat and never gain weight- they seem to have a hollow leg. In fact, I’m willing to bet that every one of my readers can say “I used to be that way. “I could eat anything I wanted and I never gained weight”. We are born with built-in protective mechanisms that help us resist gaining weight. When we over eat. Body temperature rises, “insensible” exercise increases, fat burning enzyme activity increases and appetite decreases. Don’t jump to the conclusion that you can eat anything you want as long as you exercise. I didn’t say that did I? What I said was, exercise makes you resistant to gaining weight. I won’t deny that diet plays a role in whether you get fat or stay lean. But the tendency to get fat is not determined by the amount or quality of food you eat.

Why people gain weight…

Overweight people often blame their weight on their recent behavior (like eating too much) instead of looking back through the years for the reason. Getting fat is not a short-term process. It starts with a slow down in metabolism caused by a decrease in the use of muscle. Obvious fat may not appear for five or ten years. If you gain weight more easily now than when you were young, it is because your muscles can no longer burn up all the calories you feed them. The ultimate control of metabolism is exercise. Exercise can change your metabolism in such a way that you become more and more resistant to gaining weight. Diet books that claim miracle insights into weight control are simply flat-out wrong.

The control mechanism for obesity is not the diet, its muscle metabolism.

Dieting is quite useful for losing fat temporarily, but it doesn’t cure the tendency to get fat easily. We all know people who have lost weight by dieting, only to gain it back when they stop. This pattern is so well known that nutritionist jokingly call it the “rhythm method of “girth control”. Even if you lose weight on a diet, you aren’t fixing the slow metabolism that makes you quickly gain weight again. When you put gas in your car, do you ask how much fuel your fenders need? The fat on your body is like the fenders on your car. Do you think fat fenders are saying,

Feed me, I’m hungry!

It’s not the fenders that need fuel, it’s the engine. If you don’t exercise your muscles atrophy, meaning that your body’s engine shrinks. It’s as if you’d replaced your big, powerful engine with a smaller, fuel efficient engine. Now you don’t need as much fuel, so that extra food is made into fat fenders! Some people get so out of shape that it’s as if they’d replaced their car engine with a lawn mower engine-and now they are towing a trailer!!! People who fall for the con game of the yo-yo diets- are like compulsive gamblers, sure that they found the secret for beating the odds. If you play the weight loss game by dieting you may get short-term results, but you won’t win in the end. You’re going up against thee house-metabolism- hopelessly trying for a big win- fast weight loss-against all odds. Diets are not the answer because they don’t improve metabolism. The only way to improve metabolism is to exercise. I wish I could get overweight people to stay away from diet books and friends who claim to have lost a lot of weight. A fat person should ask a fox, a deer or even the family dog how he to stays so skinny.

Never say diet…..

The over-weight person says, “I just can’t lose weight”. But when you ask the typical over-weight person if he has ever lost weight on a diet, he will tell you of the thirty pounds he /she lost on this diet and the twenty pounds he lost on that one. In fact, many of the people interviewed have lost thousand of pounds over the years! Yes, diets help people lose weight, but losing weight is not the basic problem. The problem is – gaining weight! Fat people gain weight easily and quickly, so before long they have more fat than they have just lost. When you diet away your fat, you aren’t treating the real problem. After you finish the diet, you may have lost some fat, but you haven’t lost your tendency to get fat. Yep you get it! You haven’t corrected the problem that makes you gain weight more easily than other people do. Overweight people who constantly diet should worry less about how to lose weight. Instead they should ask themselves,”Why do I gain weight” so easily”.?When a fit person eats 1,000 calories, all of them get burned, wasted, used up. When a fat person eats 1,000 calories, only some of them are used up, while the remainder is converted to fat. If the fat person adjusts his diet so he eats fewer calories, his body learns to function on still fewer. Again he is left with extra calories that will be stored as fat. But long term weight control requires a change in body chemistry so he won’t get fat all over again. Exercise (strength training) is the ONLY way to change your metabolism so that your body converts fewer calories to fat.

Body Fat Percentage….

Men should be 14%-20%

Women should be 18%-23%

To be five or ten pounds overweight may seem normal, and all your slightly overweight friends may look normal, but that doesn’t mean they are healthy. Those friends are average, not healthy. The obvious answer is hormones. At puberty, boys and girls have approximately the same percentage of fat, around 14 – 17 percent. Then, when the female and male hormones kick in, big changes occur. Male hormones induce muscle growth while suppressing storage of fat. Female hormones stimulate the deposition of fat. (Most likely this is a safety mechanism so that a pregnant woman will have extra fat to nourish her baby, even if she can’t get enough calories to feed herself properly. The great news is this can be reversed by increasing muscle tissue.People often ask if it’s okay to be a little fatter as you get older. I’ll admit that it’s harder for older people to keep their fat percentage low. Many older people (65+) don’t exercise as vigorously as they did when they were young. They’re more likely to have down time because of injury or illness, and they recover slower. And as one ages some bone and muscle are lost, so that the nonfat part of the body shrinks. Here again, women are behind the eight ball. Most men don’t experience muscle and bone loss until their seventies, while women usually experience it ten to fifteen years earlier. Additionally, menopause speeds up bone loss. Women have to decide whether to take an estrogen replacement-which tends to add more fat or risk faster and greater diminish of bone density… Given all of this, should men and women have higher fat percentages? The answer is a simple No!

People ask, “Can you be zero fat”? Well, the brain is made of fat….if you got to zero percent fat the only profession you could go into would be politics!

Fat VS. Lean ….

Let’s drop the fat talk and instead talk about what’s left the lean part of our bodies. Now we see a big difference between men and women. Men have anywhere from twenty to forty more pounds of lean body mass, mainly muscle and bone, than women. And it’s the amount of lean (muscle) we have not the amount of fat that determines how easily we gain or lose weight. When I talk “lean” I am thinking mostly about muscle because that’s the part that can be changed. Technically, lean body mass includes bones and other soft tissue, but those parts don’t have high metabolisms and can’t be changed very easily. Muscle, on the other hand, can be increased or decreased and can be trained to burn fat. The muscle on your body is similar to engines in your car. It’s the part of your body that uses your calories. Muscle, the underlying engine, burns most of the calories we eat. Because men’s engines are considerably bigger than women’s they can eat more with out gaining weight. And, if they do gain weight, their bigger engines will burn off the excess fat more readily than a woman’s smaller engine. While it’s fun to talk about how much fat we have, the significant number is how much lean do we have? That is what we need lean. The more muscle the more the caloric burn. Your correct weight (For about a third of the people -) correct weight is much lower than what they think it should be. These are the “skinny fats” that have lost muscle over the years. (Liquid diets, fasting, no strength training, skipping breakfast, yo-yo diets. Their present frames can’t afford to carry as much weight as they did in the past.


************* What is the cure************

Plant firmly in your head the fact that the problem is not excess fat; fat is only the outer most symptom. The real problem is the lack of Fat- burning muscle underneath the fat. As muscle gives way to fat, not only does muscle decrease, thereby lessening the need for calories, but also the chemistry of the remaining muscle changes in such a way as to require fewer calories. Dieting may decrease fat, but it cannot increase the amount of muscle or reverse the badly altered chemistry of the muscles. Additionally, dieting does nothing to improve the body shape.

If a person was fat and a pear shaped before a diet, they will be skinny and a pear shaped afterward. Furthermore, your situation might actually worse; radical dieting, unbalanced dieting shots, liquid diets and fasting have been shown to decrease muscle mass while a person loses weight. We have developed such a mania for losing weight that we overlook what the lost weight consists of. Suppose I were to call you on the telephone with the exciting news that the local supermarket was selling twelve pounds for only $5.99! Your reaction would be, “Twelve pounds of what? Well, that’s what I ask when someone tells me of a terrific diet that guarantees you will lose twelve pounds in 10 weeks, or no time at all- twelve pounds of what? Unfortunately, while losing fat, you may also lose muscle, which decreases the need for calories and makes the problem worse. All of us think of someone we know who has gone on a diet only to end up looking gaunt and haggard. Compare over-eaters and under eaters to many people who have exercised their bodies to low fat levels. They are full-bodied, healthy individuals who lead active lives without being constantly concerned about the number of calories they eat

Exercise increases muscle and tones it? Cant tone a muscle another story!!! However you can increase density. Density is the word to replace tone. The body can become tighter, and harder to the touch with the right balance of specific exercises, incorporated with the proper food plan. (I can do this for you)

Exercise alters a muscles chemistry and increases the metabolic rate. All of these effects mean that you burn more calories even when you’re asleep. The ultimate cure for fat is exercise!

What kind of exercise….

If you want to get fit, find a twelve year old kid, whatever he does – you do! They never stop to say, “Oh! I must do my jogging now!” or “I should go to my aerobics class now”. Exercising nonstop, trains muscles to burn fat, more important, they change your metabolism so you won’t get fat anymore. When you exercise to the point of breathing deeply -but not getting out of breath your muscles burn fat. Muscles burn fat ONLY in the presence of oxygen. When you get out of breath, fat burning shuts down.

Muscles burns two kinds of fuel-fat and sugar (glucose). They prefer to burn fat because it lasts a long time and produces lots of energy, but fat can’t be burned unless the muscles get oxygen. When muscles need quick energy, they switch to burning sugar. In contrast to fat, sugar/glucose can be burned without oxygen. When you run fast enough to get out of breath, your muscles are deprived of oxygen. It seems odd, doesn’t it? Even though you are breathing hard, the oxygen supply to the muscles isn’t sufficient for fat metabolism to continue. When there’s not enough oxygen for fat burning sugar-burning takes over. In reality, muscles burn fat and sugar at the same time, but they prefer to burn fat during gentle activity. In other words, hard out of breath exercise burns some fat, but it’s not the most efficient way to burn fat. There’s another aspect of aerobic exercise that is much more important than how much fat it burns while you’re doing it. Aerobic exercise stimulates the growth of fat burning enzymes, so you tend to burn more fat even when you’re sitting around doing nothing. In other words, a fit person burns more at rest…get fit!


If you leave the house empty handed…you will set yourself up to fail. The choice to lose or waste your time and $$$ is a choice. Skipping meals makes you crave, overeat at the next meal, and it slows down your metabolism, which ultimately hinders weight loss. If you only have a small amount to lose and you cut your calorie intake by 500 from the recommended 2000 calories per day, you will lose weight; if you are aiming to lose a significant amount, stick to 1200 calories a day and you will get there. Never go below 1200 for a female, 1500 for a male.

Let me design a 90-day eating pattern for download I will work with you for 30-days free! Via text, and Voxer.


Dave Parise CPT FPTA MES