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The 6 Pillars of Nutrition

By June 1, 2016December 2nd, 2023No Comments


Breaking Down the Most Important Nutritional Guidelines in Six Steps!

  1. Eat five to six times a day.
    Meal frequency does several things to benefit our bodies. First off, eating more frequently keeps our metabolism running at higher speeds. The more frequent we eat, the more likely our body is to use those calories consumed as a source of energy rather than storage material. Besides, what’s better than having more energy and eating more often?
    In addition to keeping our metabolism up, eating frequently allows our body to have a more constant supply of nutrients to ensure that it stays working to its potential. Likewise, eating often allows the body to burn more calories from the energy needed to digest and absorb food taken in (known as the thermic effect of food).
  2. Limit your consumption of sugars and processed foods.
    This one is a no-brainer. Foods that are high in sugar or have been processed have been robbed of their nutritional value and are basically nothing but empty calories to you. What do empty calories do? They go right to storage.
    Having foods high in sugar spikes your blood-sugar and insulin levels, which tells your body to stop making energy (slower metabolism) and if that sugar is not immediately used, it will go directly into body fat storage. Did you know that sugar actually stores 3-5x more fat than other calories do?
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables at the right times of the day.
    Fruits are a great energy source for mornings and early afternoons. Fructose, the sugar found in fruits, is lower in the glycemic index and does not affect our blood sugar as much, so its supplies for quick energy with less of the negative affects of normal sugar. However, fruits are sugars none the less, therefore should be consumed in the morning or at lunch. Vegetables on the other hand allow for slow digesting fibers which actually keep your metabolism working in overdrive! Eating fibrous vegetables during the day and at night keeps you burning calories and keeps your fiber levels high. Plus, add a vegetable to whatever meal your eating and it will help slow the digestion of other carbohydrates eaten with it (that’s a very good thing by the way).

    4. Drink more water and cut out calorie-containing beverages (beer, soda, etc.).
    No-brainer part II. Be careful of what you’re drinking… just because it’s a liquid doesn’t mean its calories won’t affect you just as much as a food will. Soda’s are high in sugar and will actually rob your body of important nutrients like calcium. Beer and other alcohols not only are very high in calories, but will completely stop your metabolism. This is because your body sees alcohol as a toxin and will stop and focus all its attention to breaking it down (instead of burning the other calories that will now be stored as fat).

  4. Focus on consuming lean proteins throughout the day.
    Quite possibly the most important pillar in my opinion. Protein should be the building block for our daily diets. It is the only nutrient that is utilized to repair and rebuild our body. Without it, not only will or bodies not recover, but that “hard” or “lean” look will never be achieved. As for someone who is strength training on a normal basis, I recommend getting at least .75 to 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. This may seem difficult at first, but it helps us mold our daily food choices into the healthy lifestyle we should strive for. The results are nothing sort of amazing once this is accomplished.
    Be sure to use different types of protein throughout your day. Eggs (or egg whites), chicken, turkey, lean beefs, any fish, nuts, and protein shakes are your best choices.
  5. Use starch containing foods as your morning and afternoon energy sources.
    Remember, carbohydrates function to give the body fuel for energy. So if the body does not need energy at a certain time, why supply it? Carbs are very important in maintaining the energy we need throughout the day and for our high intensity workouts, but their timing is everything. Remember two things when it comes to carbohydrates: First off, only low glycemic carbohydrates should be taken in. Great examples are oatmeal, brown rice, sweet or red potatoes, quinoa, gluten free breads, and any green vegetables. The second thing to remember is to avoid giving the body carbohydrates when it does not need them. The ideal times that carbohydrates should be consumed are first thing in the morning, prior to a workout, and mid day. Those are the times when the body is craving and can process energy the best. Avoid eating carbohydrates late into the evening when your goal is fat loss. Remember that even if it is a good carbohydrate, eating too much “energy” without using it (because you will be going to sleep) will only lead to that “energy” being stored (as fat).